
2024 Spring Sponsors

TYB Sponsors

Special thanks to all of our wonderful sponsors for supporting the kids and Temecula Youth Baseball! Interested in becoming a TYB sponsor? Continue reading below.

Interested in helping TYB without committing to a full sponsorship?
We also accept cash, check, or donations through Square

Corporate Sponsors:

Pony Division:

Colt Division:

Mustang Division:

Bronco Division:

Pinto Division:

Filly Division:

Shetland Division:

TYB Sponsorship Program

Temecula Youth Baseball (TYB) is a non-profit organization responsible for the future development and promotion of baseball in our immediate community and surrounding areas.

TYB seeks to be a highly organized, child focused, youth sports organization. We seek to be a leader in developing rules that provide balanced playing time for all, while maintaining a competitive program that develops playing skills for players with all levels of natural ability.

Mission Statement

“Temecula Youth Baseball is part of PONY Baseball Association (“Protect Our Nations Youth”). TYB seeks to provide a youth baseball league that will help young people grow into healthier and happier adults and to teach baseball to the youth of our community. Keeping in mind the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, and courage. The attainment of exceptional skill or the winning of games shall be secondary to the primary goal of molding ethical individuals.”

Sponsorship Opportunity

By sponsoring TYB your company will secure on-going exposure throughout the city of Temecula, Murrieta and the entire surrounding area. Full benefits are highlighted below.

Any funds TYB secures will increase the range and quality of baseball that we can provide to our community.

  • Your company will assist TYB to improve and increase the number of opportunities for young, talented athletes and young people wishing to get more involved in sport.
  • TYB will be able to provide more qualified coaches with additional training and workshops to improve safety, skills and awareness.
Corporate Exposure & Sponsor Programs
  • Exposure to a wide-range of families and Individuals at a local level.
    • 1000+ Sports oriented families
    • 1500+ Young talented and skilled athletes
    • 600+ Coaches and Umpires
    • Members of the general public via regular PR coverage
  • I-contact email promotion (over 3000 opt-in accounts)
  • Our Website, www.temeculapony.com
  • Social Network Appreciation Notifications (Facebook, twitter, etc)
  • Promotional products and handouts (in team parent packages)
  • Field banners program available
  • Website banner space avaiilable
  • TYB Opening day Booths available (over 2000 people present)
  • Team sponsorship program
  • All-Star sponsorship program
Opening Day
  • Your company will be associated with the largest Opening day carnival in the entire Valley.
  • In excess of 3000 people attend.
  • Your company will benefit from publicity and coverage in local media
  • The opportunity to display promotional material and include handouts in packs for each participant and spectators
Contact & Tax Information

Temecula Youth Baseball, Incorporated is a California non-profit corporation and an IRS designated non-profit 501 (c) (3) (tax-deferred) organization.

Our Tax I.D. No. is 33-0874668

We have been a PONY Baseball, Inc. affiliated organization since our 1993 incorporation.

If you require further information or would like to arrange a meeting please Contact Us

Sponsorship Programs

TYB offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities, ranging from $250 to $5,000. We also accept gift card and in-kind donations to be used for raffle or snack bar sales.